Did you know?
13,000 people die each year in the UK as a result of breathing in airborne hazardous substances like dust, fumes, mists and vapours when at work.
Common examples of these workplace airborne contaminants are wood dust, crystalline silica, diesel engine exhaust emissions and soldering fume.
Occupational hygienists can carry out surveys to assess worker exposure to airborne hazards and hence determine if there is a risk of harm to health.

Dust2Noise can advise on appropriate control measures to reduce workers exposure and how to check the performance of these control measures, so they carry on minimising exposure, year after year.
Dust2noise occupational hygiene assessments are conducted and reported by a highly qualified and experienced, Chartered Occupational Hygienist. So customers will receive competent and balanced advice on their occupational health risks.
RPE Fit Testing and training is a speciality of Dust2Noise. If tight-fitting respiratory protection does not fit the face, it will not protect. Our RPE fit testing training courses are Fit2Fit Approved and we have Fit2fit Accreditations to undertake RPE fit testing by any UK approved method.

Dust2Noise undertake noise surveys of workplaces in accordance with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations. These Regulations require employers to reduce staff exposure to loud noise by a series of technical and organisational measures and thus prevent workers suffering from noise induced hearing loss.
Noise assessments are carried out and reported by a Chartered Occupational Hygienist who has the Institute of Acoustics Post Graduate Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control and many years of experience in assessing workplace noise.