Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) affects 17000 workers in the UK
Exposure to excessive noise at work can cause deafness as well as other hearing problems, such as tinnitus.
Hearing damage can be caused by regular exposure to prolonged loud noise over the working day or a single extremely loud impulsive noise event.
The CNAWR requires employers to assess and control the noise exposure of their employees. It sets lower and upper exposure action values and limit values for noise averaged over a working day and for peak noise events. The exposure limit values (ELVs) must never be exceeded.
Watch the noise awareness video.

If the daily upper exposure action value (UEAV) is exceeded (average noise exposure 85 dB(A) or above) then IIT, mandatory hearing protection, designation of hearing protection zones and employee health surveillance (hearing tests) are required.
However, the fundamental requirement of CNAWR is to control employees’ noise exposure by a series of technical and organisational measures, rather than relying on personal hearing protection.
Dust2Noise have an experienced Chartered Occupational Hygienist who can assess workers’ exposure to noise and advise on your company’s legal duties under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations to reduce exposure.